Tuesday 08 October 2019

Dear Foxes,

Please be advised that the Narre North Foxes Football Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 8th of October 2019 at Narre North Recreational Reserve commencing at 7pm.

All parents are invited to attend.

Attached is a nomination form for any/all members who are interested in joining the committee, either as a member of the Executive or General Committees. Our club can only continue if our members volunteer their time to assist in the running of the club.  Please give consideration to nominating for a position on our either of our committees to ensure our club's continuity well into the future.


All completed nomination forms MUST be received by the Club Secretary no later than 4 days prior to the AGM. To ensure your nomination is received within the required timeframe please ensure your completed form is emailed to the Club Secretary at  by no later than Friday the 4th of October 2019. Any forms received after this date will be held until the AGM and these nominations will be open for consideration at the AGM.

NOTE: If multiple nominations are received for the same position, these members will be notified via email by no later than Monday the 7th of October 2019. Voting will be required to determine the successful nominee/s in this situation, which will be done by ballot at the AGM.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members of the Foxes as possible at the AGM.